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Greetings Parents,
The purpose behind the Promise Nation Ministry is to provide our youth with their own space to worship God the way they want to.
Not only that, but we also want to meet our young people where they are so they can discover who they are in Christ, discover their spiritual gifts and begin or continue to use them to serve God and others.
The Bible often compares the Christian life with the challenges of athletic competition. The staff has been working hard and have come up with some exciting lessons built around the theme of the Summer Olympics to help our youth/pre-teens understand the importance of spiritual training in their daily lives. Each lesson has been designed to focus on a specific aspect of the Christian life: "Training to Win", "Running the Race", and "Finishing Strong". We plan to end with our own Olympics!
This is a crucial time to remind them that God is always with them, no matter their challenges. We want to try and help our youth make a smooth transition into the new school year with a strong sense of God's presence. The lesson topics planned are: “God is My Helper”, “God is My Provider”, “God is My Protector”, and “Jesus is With Me”.
Please keep your eyes and ears open as we will plan to have a parent meeting in the near future as we will need your assistance in helping us continue to be effective in ministry.
Love and Blessings
Min. Tracie Sledge, Director of Promise Nation

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